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HBC has a 14-year history of developing and implementing comprehensive and effective programming in a safe, productive, and engaging environment. We have seen the positive effects in the people we work with and also the institutional and community culture as a whole. Outcomes include:


  • Low, single-digit recidivism rates, made more meaningful by the expectation that, due to the number of “high risk” participants we serve, rates would be much higher

  • Positive culture as noted in various Correctional Institution Inspection Committee reports

  • Extensive programmatic reach—with popular events, multiple inroads to programming, and no blanket restrictions on participation, we are able to impact a diversity of the population

  • Self-reported increased sense of belonging, capabilities, and purpose

  • Breaking barriers creating shifts in public perception through innovative events, such as the first TEDx in prison, the first Coding in the Clink, first incarcerated troupe to perform at the Chicago Improv Festival, Prosecutor Impact, and the Hamilton Project



completion rate


unique programs, plus workshops and events


students earned college credit through a partnership with Otterbein University


earned an AFCPE Money Management certificate


student hours

“The opportunities presented to this population are transformational. This should be a national model of rehabilitation and healing in adult and juvenile corrections.”


— Mark Freado, director of Growing Edge and internationally recognized specialist in interventions for at-risk populations

We get so much more in results for every dollar that we donate to Healing Broken Circles than any other organization. No other organization comes close to the value of our donation dollar.”


— Cecilia and Tom Kloecker

Day-to-day, on the ground, we measure our impact by continually asking the question: Is this person thriving? Along with being able to meet their basic needs, this person:


  • Has a voice and at least one area in their life in which to express it—this might be within a family, a legislative forum, an open mic night, on paper, etc.

  • Feels that they belong in a pro-social way

  • Knows they are good at something and have the opportunity to practice what they are good at in some part of their life

  • Is able to give back

  • Is equipped with communication skills and tools for self-care, self-regard and self-regulation because these can be a job-, relationship- and life-saver for anyone, but especially so for those who will face judgment and collateral consequences 

  • Has a basic understanding of the scientific research around trauma and has been given information about and opportunities to heal their trauma

  • Can recognize institutionalized and criminogenic thinking and behaviors and can draw on alternative thinking and behaviors to problem solve

  • Can ask for support and can provide support to others

“I often think that if I had Healing Broken Circles programming before coming to prison, I wouldn’t be here to begin with.”

“The information is invaluable to operate in 'real' life and you don’t get it in school and most
don't in the home.”

“The things I've learned in this space are life changing. Community changing. World changing.”

“I feel my Spanish classes and yoga experience will help me much in getting a better job and relaxing more. Thank you!”

“I always learn each time we have class. If it’s only a little or a lot.”

“I learned how to productively help raise my daughter even from prison”

“Helluva learning experience!”

“This is a good program. Keep it going.”

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© 2020 Healing Broken Circles, Inc.

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